Tag: Belle
Belle and Dodger
sketch-style image of Belle
March 2011
[Also check out the sketch image of Dodger with Sparty in this djm blog podcast post.]
The parakeets like the smooth, narrow wooden perch

I usually set the birds’ cage up with varied perches, with different curves and surfaces to give the parakeets a variety. And the last I put their place together, I put a handful of different perches in as usual but in a change from normal I put in one of the simple smooth wooden perches that came with the cage. Now it probably has something to do with the fact that it is the highest-up perch (other than a swinging one) in the cage, but all three birds seem to hang out up there a lot of the time lately. Of course they like to hang out together, being flock animals and all, so it’s probably the sociable nature of the long narrow wooden perch but, I don’t know maybe they like the simplicity of the perch. Of course it will probably be in there for a limited time because I read somewhere that the bumpier perches make them less likely to develop problems because their feet are in different positions through the day.
Dodger grooms Belle
You can also see a video of Dodger grooming Belle on the pacificpelican.us/oggcast.
Belle and Sparty on the curtain rod
Jessica’s flying birds photo
Sparty stands on one foot

I’m always amazed by the personality of our little yellow bird Sparty (aka Sparta). She [Jessica is pretty sure Sparta’s a female now, and I don’t disagree] is so funny–here she was next to Belle on the cage standing on one leg for a while, long enough for me to quietly grab the camera and take this quick snapshot.
Our parakeets travel with us
Our birds are good travelers–they tend to come with us on car trips, provided we have a pet-friendly destination. Here Sparty and Belle are hanging out in their travel cage at my parents’ house when Jessica and I were in town for my sister Ellen’s wedding on June 12, 2010.